The Satanic Verses Incident
The Satanic Verses in Early Islamic Narratives: An Analysis of Historical Transmission The story of the Satanic Verses is one of the most controversial episodes in early Islamic history. It…
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The Satanic Verses in Early Islamic Narratives: An Analysis of Historical Transmission The story of the Satanic Verses is one of the most controversial episodes in early Islamic history. It…
hether through direct influence, shared oral tradition, or common biblical inspiration, the stories of Caedmon and Muhammad’s divine callings highlight the universality of religious experiences across cultures.
How Long Did The Prophet Stay In Mecca After Receiving Prophethood? This answer should be easy to answer. We take the date of the migration (632) and subtract it from the year the Prophet became 40 (610). We would get 12 years. When we look to the hadith corpus, we get wildly different answers.
Hadith states Angel Gabriel has 600 wings in exegesis of surah 53. The Quran has a different answer.
'RAGS TO RICHES' THE BEDOUINS PROPHECY A common trope that adherents to hadith like to cling on to, is the idea that the Sunni hadith corpus contains prophecies about future…
The Dajjal, an intriguing figure in Islamic eschatology, symbolizes deception and chaos before the Day of Judgment, paralleling the Christian Antichrist through vivid hadith narratives and apocalyptic themes.
The weak narration from Sunnan Abi Dawud describes events preceding the arrival of Imam Mahdi, but it is considered fabricated by Sunni scholars linked to historical conflicts among early Islamic factions.
One of the central concepts within Islamic eschatology is the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ, known as Isa bin Maryam, at the end of times. This is a fabricated hadith prophecy.
Apostasy executions is a belief held by Sunni Muslims, based upon hadith narrated by Ikrima. When we look at ilm al rijal and hadith transmission, we uncover the truth of that narration.