The Hadith of Angels Cursing Women Who Don’t Sleep With Their Husbands

This narration has long been controversial, not only due to its ethical implications but also because of potential issues within its transmission. This article examines the authenticity and implications of this hadith, drawing on historical analysis of its transmission (isnad) and the cultural context in which it might have originated.

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Muhammad Did Not Split The Moon.

The splitting of the moon (Surah Al-Qamar, 54:1) is widely regarded as a miracle performed by Prophet Muhammad. This article critically assesses the historicity of this narrative by examining the reliability of the hadith chains of transmission (isnads), historical context, and scientific plausibility.


The Satanic Verses Incident

The Satanic Verses in Early Islamic Narratives: An Analysis of Historical Transmission The story of the Satanic Verses is one of the most controversial episodes in early Islamic history. It…


How Long Did The Prophet Stay In Mecca?

How Long Did The Prophet Stay In Mecca After Receiving Prophethood? This answer should be easy to answer. We take the date of the migration (632) and subtract it from the year the Prophet became 40 (610). We would get 12 years. When we look to the hadith corpus, we get wildly different answers.


The Dajjal – An Apocryphal Creation

The Dajjal, an intriguing figure in Islamic eschatology, symbolizes deception and chaos before the Day of Judgment, paralleling the Christian Antichrist through vivid hadith narratives and apocalyptic themes.